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Following their example, many thousands then took Khande Di Pahul, but not before Guru Sahib Ji also took Amrit from the Panj Pyarey.
With a gaze of pure, unconditional love, Guru Sahib Ji beckons Sikhs to take Khande Di Pahul and join the Khalsa.
From that point , a Sikh follows the Khalsa Rehit – code of conduct – and the mind follows the Rehit of the Dasam Duar.
Guru Ji and the Panj Pyare with a parade of horses, blessing the amassed Sangat with their darshan.
Guru Jee’s blue-white horse, often referred to as Neela. Guru Jee would ride this horse far and wide to visit the Sikh Sangat.
Guru Sahib Ji’s White Persian Falcon, most probably a Shaheen Falcon (also known as a Peregrine Falcon).
A young Sikh practices their Gatka skills. Gatka is a practical collection of warfare skills, introduced by the sixth Guru Sahib Ji – Sri Guru Hargobind Sahib Ji.
The Ranjit Nagara, – “the Drum of Battle Victory” was the kettle drum installed in 1684 at Anandpur Sahib by Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji. This was a symbol of royal power that nobody else dared to possess lest they incur the anger of the Mughal Empire.
Sikh sevadaar would beat it to call the Sangat, or announce when Guru Sahib went hunting.
When beaten during battle, the sound of the drum struck fear in the hearts of opposing troops.
Gurdwaras today, the Nagara is used to alert the Sangat of the holy arrival of Maharaj di Swaree – during times of both Parkaash and Sukhaasan seva. The eternal Guru, Sri Guru Granth sahib Ji, forever remains a priceless gift for all humanity.
1500 metres south west of Takht Sri Kesgarh Sahib is Qila Lohgarh Sahib – the Fortress of Steel. Its construction was ordered by Guru Gobind Singh ji to protect the side of Anandpur Sahib closest to the river.
During the siege of Anandpur in 1700, it was here that Bhai Bachittar Singh single- handedly stopped a drunken war elephant that had been sent to break down the doors of this fort.
It was here also that Guru Sahib established a weapons factory for the production of swords, spears, and shields. Hot iron was beaten into shape with the chants of Waheguru by Sikh arms makers.
In the early months of 1699 messengers had been sent by Guru Gobind Singh Ji to wherever there was Sikh Sangat – to come to Sri Anandpur Sahib in time for the upcoming Vaisakhi of 1699.
Following their Guru’s Bachan, Sikhs came from every direction and every place. Walking lovingly with Waheguru on their lips and a joy in their hearts they came. Each step was a step closer to their Guru.
Heeding the call of their Guru, Sangat travelled to Anandpur Sahib by any means at their disposal. From the four corners of the Indian subcontinent they came, chanting Waheguru and singing Gurbani as they travelled.
Entire families – men, women and children, travelled in convoys – carrying their possessions on their heads, walking sometimes for weeks. They yearned for the Darshan of Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji and His blessed Sangat. It was this thirst and their love for Sikhi and Waheguru that sustained them on their long journeys.
The elderly did not want to be left behind, for what use was the comfort of home when there was an opportunity to have darshan of Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji. Travelling on bullock carts, they joined their children and grandchildren on this unique journey.
About 800 metres from Takht Sri Kesgarh Sahib, Guru Ji ordered the construction of another fort on the raised ground there – Qila Anandgarh – the Fort of Bliss. Within the fort was constructed a Baoli Sahib, a deep 4 metre wide well, led to by a series of 135 steps. The well was known for having sweet water.
In all, five forts were ordered to be constructed by Guru Sahib in 1689, taking over ten years to complete. These forts were interconnected by a network of tunnels, forming a defensive ring around the city of Anandpur Sahib.
The Sangat passed through snow covered mountains, parched deserts and thick jungles. Raging rivers were crossed on dangerous bridges – no obstacle was too much for they were on a journey of a lifetime, and one that would change their lives forever.
The Narsingh Horn: played to announce the arrival of Guru Sahib Ji, and as a rallying sound for Sikh troops.
Today is it sounded every morning at Sri Amritsar Sahib, to signify the arrival of Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji from Sri Akal Takht Sahib to Sri Harimandir Sahib.
In front of the hundreds of thousands gathered in Anandpur Sahib on Vaisakhi 1699, Guru Sahib Ji asks for one more head. Countless Sikhs race forth and five are chosen.
The Panj Pyare, the Five Beloved Ones, who pledged their life to Guru Sahib Ji, when they demanded five heads. In giving their head, they gave their minds, their bodies and their utmost loyalty. In return, Guru Sahib Ji blessed them with the gift of Amrit, connected them with Naam, and showed them Sach. From that day onward they were told to live whilst continually listen to Naam and looking at Sach.
Guru Ji poured the sacred Amrit water from the iron bata (iron bowl) into the hands of each of the Panj Pyare, for them to drink and bellow “Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh!”


aunHW dI imswl ‘qy clidAW hzwrW horW ny KMfy dI pwhul leI, ies qoN pihlW gurU swihb ny Awp aunHW pMj ipAwirAW qoN AMimRq CikAw[
s`cy-su`cy pRym Bwv nwl, gru U jI ny KMfy dI pwhul, AMimRq dI dwq bKS is`KW nUM isMG sjw ky ^wlsy dI isrjxw kIqI[
aus smyN qoN is`K rihq mirAwdw Aqy mn dsm duAwr dI rihq dI pwlxw krdw hY[
gurU jI Aqy pMj ipAwry GoiVAW dI svwrIAW dOrwn juVI hoeI sMgq nUM drSn idMdy hoey[
gurU jI dw nIlw-ic`tw GoVw ijs nUM Aksr nIlw ikhw jWdw hY[ gru uU jI ies GoVy ‘qy svwr ho ky dUr durwfy is`K sMgq nUM imlx jWdy[
gurU jI dw ic`tw bwz[
ie`k nOjvwn is`K gqkw dw AiBAws krdw hoieAw[ gqkw- jMgI klw, CyvyN gurU hrgoibMd swihb jI dI is`K kOm nUM dyx [
rxjIq ngwrw – “jMg ‘c ij`q dw Fol”, sRI gurU goibMd isMG jI duAwrw AnMdpru swihb ivKy 1684 iv`c sQwpq kIqw igAw[ ieh SwhI s`qw dw icMnH sI, iksy iv`c ies nUM hwsl krn dI ihMmq nhIN sI, ieMJ krnw mugl slqnq nwl t`kr lYxw sI[ is`K ngwry nUM sMgq bulwaux leI jW gurU swihb dy iSkwr Kyfx vyLy vjwauNdy sn[
lVweI dOrwn jdoN v`jdw, ivroDI POjW dy idlW iv`c fr PYl jWdw[A`j k`lH gurduAwirAW iv`c, mhwrwj dI pwvn svwrI dy Awgmn Aqy ivdwiegI nUM drswaux leI ngwry dI vrqoN kIqI jWdI hY[ sRI gurU gRMQ swihb jI, is`KW dy sdIvI gurU Aqy swrI mnu`Kqw leI ie`k Anmol bKiSS hY[
. q^q sRI kysgVH swihb qoN 1500 mItr d`Kx-p`Cm iv`c, iklHw lohgVH swihb hY – lohy dw iklHw[ AnMdpur swihb dI dirAw vwly pwsy rwKI leI ies dI auswrI dw hukm sRI gurU goibMd isMG jI ny id`qw sI[ ies auh jgHw hY ij`Qy 1700 iv`c AnMdpur dI Gry wbMdI dOrwn, BweI bic`qr isMG ny msq jMgI hwQI nUM nwgxI dy ie`ko vwr nwl mwq pweI[ hwQI nUM ies iklHy dy drvwzy qoVn leI ByijAw igAw sI[
ie`Qy hI gurU swihb ny qlvwrW, briCAW Aqy FwlW bxwaux leI hiQAwrW dw kwrKwnw vI clwieAw[ is`K sSqr kwrIgr vwihgurU dy jwp dI gUMj iv`c grm lohy nUM ku`t-ku`t ky Fwldy[
1699 dy SurUAwqI mhIinAW iv`c gru U goibMd isMG jI v`loN, QW-QW vsdI is`K sMgq nUM s`dw ByijAw igAw ik ies vrHy ivswKI qoN pihlW, sB sRI AnMdpur swihb phuMcx[ Awpxy gru U dw bcn mMndy, is`K cwry idSwvW qoN Awey[ bulHW ‘qy vwihgru U Aqy idlW iv`c auqSwh lY ky ahu A`pVy[hr vDdw kdm gurU dy inkt ilAw irhw sI[
Awpxy gurU dy s`dy ‘qy sMgq ny AnMdpur swihb v`l vhIrW G`qIAW[ Bwrq dy kony-kony qoN vwihgru U dw jwp Aqy gurbwxI gwien ‘c lIn auh s&r krdy gey[
swrw prvwr – AwdmI, AOrq Aqy b`cy isrW ‘qy Awpxw smwn cu`k, kw&ilAW iv`c h&iqAW b`DI qurdy gey[ ahu sRI gurU goibMd isMG jI dI sMgq Aqy drSn dI qWG r`Kdy sn[ vwihgurU Aqy is`KI pRqI snyh Aqy lgn sdkw hI ahu ienHW lMmy s&rW ‘qy fty rhy[
bzurg mweI-BweI vI ieh mOkw h`QoN gvwauxw nhIN cwhuMdy sn – sRI gurU goibMd isMG jI dy drSn krn nUM imlx qW Gr dy su`K kOx Bwldw? g`ifAW ‘qy svwr hieo, ahu vI Awpxy DIAW-pu`qrW Aqy aunHW dy b`icAW nwl ies AnoKI Xwqrw iv`c Swml ho gey[
q^q sRI kysgVH swihb qoN lgBg 800 mItr dI dUrI ‘qy, gurU jI ny au`cI QW au`pr ie`k hor iklHw bxwaux dw hukm id`qw[ iklHw AnMdgVH – AnMd dw iklHw[ iklHy dy AMdr bwauLI swihb bxwieAw igAw[ ieh` fUMG,y 4 mItr cOVy KUh q~k hyTW jwx leI 135 pOVIAW hn[ ieh bwauLI swihb im`Ty jl leI mShUr sI[
ku`l imlw ky, gurU swihb duAwrw 1689 iv`c pMj iklHy bxwaux dw hukm id`qw igAw, ijs nUM pUrw hox iv`c ds swl l`g ge y sn[ surMgW rwhIN juVy ieh iklHy AnMdpur swihb dI iklHwbMdI dw ih`sw sn[
auh br& nwl Fky phwVW, suMnswn mwrUQl Aqy sMGxy jMglW iv`coN lMGy[ ^qrnwk puLW rwhIN vgdIAW ndIAW pwr kIqIAW geIAW[ koeI rukwvt v`fI nhIN sI ikauNik auh ie`k Aihm s&r kr rhy sn, ijs nwl anu HW dI izMdgI hmySw leI bdlx vwlI sI[
nrisMGw ibgl, gurU swihb dy Awgmn Aqy is`K POjW dy jMg dI iqAwrI iK`cx vkq vjwieAw igAw[
. hux roz svyry AMimRqsr ivKy, sRI Akwl q^q qoN sRI hirmMdr swihb leI sRI gurU gRMQ swihb jI dI pwvn bIV dI rvwngI nrisMGw vjw ky huMdI hY[
ivswKI 1699 nUM AnMdpur swihb ivKy l`KW dy iek`T swhmxy, gurU jI ie`k hor sIs dI mMg krdy hn[l~KW dy hswb nwl is~K A~gy vdy Bwrq dy kony-kno y qoN, pr auhnW ‘coN pMj is`K Awpxy gurU nUM sIs dyx leI cuMxy gey[
pMj ipAwry, gurU ipAwry, ijnHW ny pMj isrW dI mMg krn ‘qy Awpxw jIvn gru U nUM sONp id`qw sI[ Awpxy isr dy nwl Awpxw mn, Awpxw srIr Aqy AwpxI pUrI v&wdwrI id`qI[ bdly iv`c gurU jI ny anu HW nUM AMimRq dI dwq bKSI, nwm nwl joiVAw Aqy aunHW nUM s`c idKwieAw[ ausy idn qoN aunHW nUM hmySW nwm suxn Aqy s`c vyKx leI ikhw igAw[
gurU jI ny srb-loh dy bwty iv`coN pwvn AMimRq pMj ipAwirAW dI cuLI iv`c pwieAw Aqy vwihgurU jI kw ^wlsw, vwihgurU jI kI &qih dw jYkwrw C`f ky, pIx leI ikhw[
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